Grandpa Jack, 2007

Paper, Pen, Letra-set, Glass, Wood, 6' x 4'. This is a hand drawn image of my Grandpa Jack on his last day on earth. Propped up in his hospital bed, Grandpa Jack drinks a Coca-Cola and forgets about his cup of coffee, which I finished.

Paper, Pen, Letra-set, Glass, Wood, 6′ x 4′.
This is a hand drawn picture of my Grandpa Jack on his last day on earth. Propped up in his hospital bed, Grandpa Jack nurses a Coca-Cola, a coffee, and water in a styrofoam cup with a straw.

Detail. Grandpa Jack is set behind glass (a panel from an old patio door), and acts as a larger-than-life paint by number. All of the colour names were lifted from paint-chip samples; personal association is needed to decide which colour is appropriate for each section.

Grandpa Jack is set behind glass (a panel from an old patio door), and acts as a larger-than-life paint by number. All of the colour names were lifted from paint-chip samples; personal association is needed to decide which colour is appropriate for each section.

Grandpa Jack, opening night @ Open Space, Viewers are invited to colour in Grandpa Jack; markers are provided, as well as a spray bottle of glass cleaner, so participants can alter or erase other peoples contributions. Throughout the duration of the exhibition, Grandpa Jack changed daily.

Grandpa Jack, opening night @ Open Space.
Viewers are invited to colour on Grandpa Jack; markers are provided, as well as a spray bottle of glass cleaner, so participants can alter or erase other peoples contributions. Throughout the duration of the exhibition, Grandpa Jack changed daily.

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Primordial Coos, 2012

Primordial Coos, 2012

Still from a stop motion animation featuring my dead mother-in-law’s dentures.


June 13, 2013 · 11:13 am